Visual Arts in the net
Schiffe versenken
The artists group Broschwitz works on a painting project dealing literally with the theme:
Schiffe versenken ("Dumping Ships", "Battleship"). Artists: Karin Christiansen,
Sabine Drasen, Natalie Friedinger, Inge X Husemann, Roland Kreuzer, Berlin, Germany.
Aktion Restpfennig
An art action of a symbolic handing in of "Rest-Pfennige" ("rest pennies") with the aim to
collect 82,817,000 Pfennige (1 Pfennig for each inhabitant of Germany). Author:
Susanne Bosch, Nürnberg und Berlin, Germany.
word search
An artistic action collecting and publishing words in all languages spoken in N. Y. C.
Author: Karin Sander.
Kunst ist gut e.V.
An art association in Berlin, Germany. Kunst ist gut e.V. organized the project "weltfragen
für Europa 2001" and will support new weltfragen actions in 2002 and 2003.
Kulturserver (culture server) shows a wide overview of the cultural activities in Germany.
The link will lead you to Berlin.
An online gallery for Berlin and Brandenburg with paintings, multiples and editions
of visual artists.
B.Pages is a web catalogue of Berlin pages.
A "spreading" digital picture archive to archeology, history of art and design, and cultural
sciences; built by the Kunsthistorisches Institut of the University of Cologne, Germany.
Philosophy in the net
Complete e-text version of Kant's Logik in German language; edited by
Institut für Kommunikationsforschung und Phonetik of the University of Bonn, Germany.
Kant Information online
A rich data bank to Kant's works, biography and many links to primary and secondary
texts; edited by Philipps-Universität of Marburg, Germany.
Kant:Critique of Pure Reason
The English translation of "Kritik der reinen Vernunft". Author: Norman Kemp Smith,
University of Hongkong.
Kant on the Web
A widespread co-ordination system leads through a large collection in English language
of texts of and on Kant. Author: Stephen Palmquist,University of Hongkong.
A commented collection in English language< of available e-texts of and on Kant.
Author: Richard Lee, University of Arkansas, USA.
Die Philosophie-Seiten
A widespread register in German language of philosophic resources all over the world.
Author: Dieter Köhler, University of Bamberg, Germany.
A kind of a constructing game in German language of philosophic and scientific questions
and of the search to possible order systems. Author: Beat Döbeli, ETH Zürich, Switzerland.
A philosophic dictionary in German language with links to other encyclopedia.
Author: Uwe Wiedemann, Chemnitz, Germany
A philosophic encyclopedia with short essays to philosophers and secondary texts
and links. Author: Peter Möller, Berlin, Germany.
Virtual Library
German resources on philosophy in the internet. Author: Dieter Köhler,
University of Bamberg, Germany.
A mailing list to philosophic activities in German speaking universitary space;
an "electronic information forum for philosophy". Author: Herbert Hrachovec,
University of Vienna, Austria.
A colourful political, philosophic and private website in German language with a Kant section
and a column "philosophic sense of humor". Author: Herbert Huber, Wasserburg, Germany.
missing link
A cyberzine in German language with annotations to philosophy and
reflections on the art of writing. Author: Claudia Klinger, Gottesgabe, Germany.