map of Europe


Europe 2001

"weltfragen für Europa 2001" is an artistic billboard action in a several European cities in July to December 2001. The multiple locations and rapid succession of actions is resulting in a wide, geographic European street installation, in thought, a uniting of disperse, foreign places.

The cityscape of the various locations were, for weeks, imprinted with large, yellow posters exhibiting the four questions. In many locations, there were as many as 200 billboards, posters, flags and canvasses. At all locations, publicity was including media, f.e. maps, postcards, stickers, pens, lighters. Concluding the Project was a symposium in Berlin in December to which were invited specialists in the fields of language science, philosophy and art. At the symposium the "Europabuch" was published, a reference work to all the European translations and a reader with philosophical and aesthetical contributions to the background of the Project.

